Guthy Renker Corporation

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Women Who Suffer Acne During Pregnancy

All the romance novels and television movies make us think we’re supposed to look dewy-faced when we’re pregnant. So why do so many of us look pizza-faced instead? The culprit is the hormone androgen. The level of androgen in a woman’s body increases while she is pregnant, and this increases the risk of acne during pregnancy. If you experienced breakouts during your menstrual periods, you are especially likely to become the victim of acne during pregnancy.
Unfortunately, the standard treatments, including Retin-A, Tetracycline, and Accutane, are not options for pregnant women due to the risk of harming the fetus. Accutane, especially, has been linked to birth defects, and tetracycline may cause problems with the baby’s bones and teeth. Retin-A has not been linked specifically to any fetal problems, but doctors do know that around 10% of Retin-A crosses the placenta to reach the fetus.
With the most recent treatments considered unsafe for pregnant women, women who suffer acne during pregnancy must consider more old-fashioned methods of treatment.
You might think sweating would be the last thing you want to do, but surprisingly, regular exercise can help reduce acne during pregnancy. Exercise will help decrease your level of stress. Being stressed out can make acne worse. Exercise will also improve the blood flow throughout your body which will make all of your skin healthier.
Another way to decrease breakouts is to watch what you eat. Fried foods and excessive sweets have been linked to blemishes. Eating fresh fruits and vegetables can help improve your acne during pregnancy.
You should wash your face at least twice a day. Use a mild, oil-free soap, and don’t scrub with a washcloth. Using a harsh soap and scrubbing at your skin will strip away the natural oil, sending the message to your glands to produce more. When you wash, use your hands or an oil-absorbing cloth to cleanse your skin. Then pat your skin dry and use an oil-free moisturizer.
If you make sure it is make-up, make sure it is not oil based. Be sure to wash it off before bedtime. Excessive make-up can cause acne during pregnancy.
Finally, don’t squeeze or pop pimples. This will only lead to scarring. Also, try to avoid touching the pimples and then touching other areas of your face, as this could cause acne during pregnancy to spread.
If your skin problems become too uncomfortable, speak with your doctor. You may want to consult with a dermatologist, but you should make sure the dermatologist knows you are pregnant. Just to be safe, consult with your ob-gyn before taking any medications for acne during pregnancy prescribed by another doctor.
Pimples while you are pregnant can make you feel self-conscious just when you want to open up to the world and enjoy it the most. Luckily, most acne during pregnancy starts to resolve by the end of the first trimester. Skin problems are usually far less of an issue later in pregnancy.

Acne Cleanser

In searching for an acne cleanser, many people begin at their nearby Long's, Walgreen's, or Rite Aid. The aisles are full of various popular brands of cleansing bars, deep cleansing lotions, scrubs, toners, masks, black head removal strips, and more. Each person who buys one or more of these products buys them with hope, thinking perhaps they will help give them skin like that of the models on the cover of the packages. Sometimes these products work, and sometimes they don't. If they don't work for you, it gets very expensive going through the various acne cleansers in search of the one that will bring you the clear skin you've been dreaming of.
One alternative is to go to Costco. They often sell Neutrogena and other acne products at a big discount. You have to buy several bottles or at least one great big bottle, but if you've already tried the acne cleanser and you know it works for you, and want to keep using it, it makes sense to buy it in larger quantities at a store like Costco and save some money.
Some people think paying big bucks for a product that's promoted specifically as an acne cleanser is a waste of time. Do you ever wonder what people did before all these acne products were produced and sold? Some just used regular soap and hoped for the best. Some used various herbal applications and had good results.
What sorts of herbs or other common ingredients might make a good acne cleanser? Here's one: oatmeal and cornmeal mixed with plain yogurt. This makes a gentle cleanser that has a bit of exfoliating action. For this gentle acne cleanser, use 1/2 cup of either oatmeal or cornmeal and mix it with enough plain yogurt to turn it into a paste. Then apply to the face (avoiding the eye area) and wash off with water. Oatmeal tends to absorb things (such as oil and dirt) and it also helps soften the skin.
A facial mask to use after your acne cleanser is a combination of apples and honey. Grate one medium-size apple and mix it with about five tablespoons of honey. Apply it to your face (avoiding the eyes) and leave it on for about 10 minutes. Then splash it off with cool water. This is a great treatment for oily skin, and certainly costs less than a mask on sale at the drug store.

Acne Alternative Treatments

There are myriad acne alternative treatments being sold today, all purport to clear up your skin pronto. Many websites a full of pages of testimonials from people who have used the treatments and been cured. And some of them have been. The trouble is that an acne alternative that works for one doesn't work for another. No matter what the claims of the various people who sell skin care products, facials, and nutritional regimens to clear up your skin, nobody knows until a particular treatment is tried on an individual whether it's going to do much good. Unfortunately, that means for most of us, it's hit or miss.
Once you've gotten fed up with the antibiotics, topical treatments and Accutane offered by your dermatologist, where do you begin? Or, maybe you never wanted to go that route in the first place. Whatever drove you to seek a nontraditional acne alternative, you have to begin somewhere.
First, consult widely. Chances are very good that you know several people who have had acne and cleared it up or who have it now and are in the process of clearing it up. Learn from their experience. Take notes. Then try some of the things that have worked for them. Hope for the best, but realize that it might take some time before you hit on the combination of products, treatments and lifestyle changes that will help you the most.
Another thing is that some acne alternative products containing the same basic ingredients vary greatly in price. Learn what the active ingredients are in products and try the less expensive versions of them before you pay for the more costly ones.
It's also a great idea to seek the help of professionals. Naturopaths have regiments of vitamins, herbs and gentle cleansers that can work wonders. The very expensive prescription medicine Accutane is actually derived from plain old Vitamin A, and under a naturopath's care, you can take high doses of Vitamin A for predetermined periods, along with other vitamins and herbs and potentially clear up your skin without the side effects of Accutane, which, if you are female, can include birth defects in your children should become pregnant while taking the drug.
A promising acne alternative is light therapy. For many, acne is cleared up with the application of red and blue ultraviolet light for a set amount of time each day. It's possible to purchase a device online that safely emits this type of light. They cost in the range of $200. This is a less expensive alternative to try before going to an esthetician who has similar, more powerful equipment.
The truth is it's likely to take some time before you find what works for you. The trick is to not give up. Keep trying until you find your solution.
Guthy Renker Corporation
Guthy Renker Corporation